About GRM

What is GRM?
GRM Bible Institute started with the Global Revival MAP (GRM) Bible School, which was birthed in Israel and is primarily based on Jewish-Israeli Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae’s life-changing TV program “Revival Cry”. Each program was produced under the powerful Anointing of the Holy Spirit! This impactful curriculum includes many of her books, the content of which has been planted in many hearts across the globe and has been used by the Holy Spirit to transform the lives of believers since 1995.
Thus says YHVH of hosts, “In those days ten men (and women), from all the nations will grasp the hem of the garment of a Jew, saying, let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim (God) is with you.”
Zechariah 8:23
The GRM Bible School course is designed to be completed in one year of study time — based on the average student learning 2 lessons each week. The student registration fee covers you for one Academic Year (12 months) of study, with 90 student credits. You will receive an Associate Degree.
GRM Bible Institute also offers BA, MA, and PhD programs for those that have graduated from the GRM Bible School course.
GRI Against-Antisemitism course was created in 2020 and is based on Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman’s book, The Identity Theft. It is a powerful online training with 57 videos and quizzes based on the book. It leads the student to meet the Messiah as a Jewish Yeshua and exposes the 5-headed monster behind all antisemitism.
We trust that the courses presented to you through the GRM Bible Institute will change your life and the life of many through you. This Bible Institute restores what has been lost to the Church since the 4th century! We are excited that you have chosen to study with us. We welcome YOU on board for this most awesome journey of Restoration!
And that He may send Yeshua, the Messiah appointed for you, whom Heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.
Acts 3:20,21
GRM Bible School Vision
Birth of GRM
Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman
In 2009 right after finishing a Shmita-Sabbatical Year, the Holy Spirit downloaded on me what was to become the most important pillar of this Ministry- The GRM Bible School.
When I started taping the videos, I didn’t mean to start a Bible School! My idea was to tape a TV program called Revival Cry. But The Almighty wanted something else. He brought His will to pass as He downloaded on me day after day an average of 8 teachings and 8 TV programs – a total of 80 programs.
The vow made by this Spiritual Mother
In 1997 at the Zurich airport, I made a vow before the God of Israel: I will never again minister in the Prophetic gifts of the Spirit without also equipping the people to stand firm against the Monster of Replacement Theology!
My heart was torn into pieces as I witnessed each one of my spiritual sons and daughters in Switzerland, whom I loved dearly, crushed under what I would later name,
The Swiss Inquisition.
It had all the marks of the Catholic Spanish Inquisition, where the Auto de Fe (the moving Tribunal of the Inquisition since the 15th Century and well into the 19th) was persecuting the infidels, especially the “Judaizers.” Those were mainly converse Jews but could also be Gentiles that dared to obey the Torah, keep Shabbat, the Biblical Feasts, or any dietary commandments.
In the case of the Swiss Inquisition of the 1990s, the persecuting pastors and leaders did not use physical torture like the Spanish — but they did use the same intimidating tactics of threatening the people and instilling fear in them.
I watched my most beautiful disciples, each enjoying the Freedom of Torah and Spirit and the intimacy of knowing the Jewish Messiah personally, begin to be attacked. One by one, they were all butchered spiritually. Some of them never recovered! This crime was perpetrated in the 20th Century in the 1990s by Charismatic-Evangelical leaders of the former renewal in Switzerland.
They were not aware that their theologies were possessed of the same spirit as Constantine when he established the Council of Nicaea. They were not aware that they were attached with an umbilical cord to the Catholic Church through all the Sun Worship, Christmas, and Easter that they had inherited. Along with this comes a deep suspicion and hatred against the Torah and everything Jewish. They thought they were doing God a service by “rescuing” these “gullible” believers from being “under the law” because they were restored to the Jewish Roots of the Faith as the disciples of the First Century were!
But in their Zeal, without knowledge, and in their pride, these pastors killed many spiritually and set back the Revival Clock of Switzerland for over 20 years. They raised their hand to close the doors of Switzerland before us and the Jewish Messiah we represent.
So, in 1997, at the Zurich airport, I made a vow before the God of Israel: I will never again minister in the Prophetic gifts of the Spirit without also equipping the people to stand firm against this Monster of Replacement Theology!
GRM Bible School is the Answer
Global Revival Messianic Apostolic Prophetic Bible School with eighty-one teachings was born in Eilat, Israel, in 10 days (with a Shabbat of rest in the middle) in January of 2009.
One of the volunteers that came to assist me in the taping project asked me a practical question: “Bishop, please let us see your sermon notes so we can time the programs properly.”
I answered her this way: “Do you see this little room on the side (of what became the Eilat Prayer Tower)? I will go in between episodes to fix my makeup, change my clothes — and above all, I will go on my knees and expect ABBA to Download what He wants me to speak. There are no sermon notes!”
My assistant Malka had many thoughts she kept to herself. She contemplated how many corrections each program would need and how many stops to adjust timing to fit the exact 28.30 minutes required by the TV stations. Her conclusion: “this is going to be two very long months!”
Two weeks later, her life had been transformed – after listening to and taping the messages. Not even one needed to be redone! Each Heavenly Download was an exact 28.30 minutes, and instead of a set of regular TV programs, a perfectly crafted Bible School came down from Heaven!
It was prophesied in the ’90s!
About 12 years before this Heavenly Download called GRM came into being and a short while after I made the vow in the Swiss airport, a well-known prophet declared this over my life:
“I see you will have a Bible School in a suitcase, and it has the postal stamps of many countries because it will be sent all over the world!”
I was puzzled: How can a Bible School be put into a suitcase? How heavy is this going to be? This was the 90s; there were barely CDs out then!
But 12 years later, DVDs had become common. One day my team was packing a GRM Bible School DVD set in a case that looked like a mini suitcase. Then it dawned on me: the “Bible School in a suitcase” had been born just as prophesied! And it was being sent all over the world, just as this prophet said – without any way of knowing about DVD cases in the 90s!
I also realized that YHVH had heard my vow in the Zurich airport and had given me the Tool to prevent any more spiritual or physical bloodshed due to Replacement Theology! None of my disciples would be a casualty again to persecution by well-meaning people or leaders that were still steeped in Replacement Theology and Babylonian Christianity.
Now everyone could be delivered, set free, healed, restored, and equipped to live and preach the Gospel made in Zion as the Jewish Disciples of the First Century. They will be full of Truth, Anointing, Obedience, Holiness, Sacrificial Love, and Authority and will be followed with signs, wonders, and miracles!
A New Generation of End Time Believers would be born, free from any religious theologies that have brought death throughout the centuries!
The 21st Century like the 1st Century! Finally, a school like no other! A True Download from Heaven was born.
Your Israeli mentor and friend,
Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman PhD
GRM Community
The GRM Community is the interaction between teachers, students and graduates.
When you become a student in the Global Revival MAP Bible Institute, you are not simply becoming a student at a Bible School. You are entering the global community of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries that includes Global Revival MAP teachers, students, graduates, partners and friends.
This is a vibrant community of individuals and congregations throughout the world who are united by a powerful vision. This vision is the vision of the MAP Revolution Message as taught by Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman and promoted through the United Nations for Israel movement. As a member of the GRM community, you are given the opportunity to network with others across the nations for prayer and missions. Together, we will put the message of the MAP revolution into practice through obedience to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
Every student and graduate is invited to join our special GRM Bible Institute Facebook group, where they can communicate with others and hear the latest updates from the Ministry.
Each student and graduate is encouraged to join the United Nations for Israel (UNIFY) movement as an official member. As a member you will be able to attend the monthly online conferences with Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman. GRM equips you to spread the UNIFY message. You will want to stay connected with that message for the transformation of your nation into a Sheep Nation, one person at a time, and to stand with Israel in action! www.unitednationsforisrael.org
Fellowship of Graduates
Those graduates of GRM Bible School, that choose to become members of the United Nations for Israel, will be invited to our exclusive Telegram group called the UNIFY Team. It is here that we keep on growing as a global army and spiritual family.
Those in the UNIFY Team are invited to participate, as the Spirit leads, in missions and establish new works for the Gospel made in Zion. Graduates can plant GRM Bible Institute and prayer groups and lead apostolic outreach missions to teach the Jewish Roots of the faith and promote the message of the United Nations for Israel.
Additionally, graduates are given top priority when registering for all our Israel Tours. We strongly encourage all our graduates to visit Israel and connect with others in the movement through participating in our yearly Bible School on Wheels Sukkot Tour and through our other Israel Tours.
Graduates are uniquely qualified for taking advantage of opportunities to serve Kad-Esh MAP Ministries in various capacities from wherever they are located internationally.
For more information on volunteer work positions, send email to info@kad-esh.org.
Graduates have proven their dedication and commitment to Yeshua through the Gospel made in Zion; therefore, they are well equipped to continue their studies to BA, MA, and all the way to a PhD degree through GRM Bible Institute.
More information: info@grmbibleschool.com